
Interested in having your book reviewed? Feel free to send me a copy ( and I will happily post a review. If it is through Smashwords please send a direct link to the book with a free coupon code so I may view it.
In email please include a picture of the book cover so I may add it to the review and anything else you would like added in the blurb.

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Fires of Passion

As promised, here is the latest installment of the Mortal Champion series by Reed James.  As the title implies, it is full of hot, passionate sex full of interwoven plot and fantasy.  This series is, thus far, not disappointing in the least, and will have you fixating until the next book comes out (so thankful he's a fast writer!).  

Maeve has survived Corrigan's attack, but what will the dark Fey attempt next.
As Maeve returns to her life with her lover Gunnar, she struggles to find a way to tell him the truth about his destiny. But Gunnar is stubborn, and Maeve fears losing her lover if he learns she is a Fairy. While Gunnar plans a sexy surprise for Maeve, Corrigan plots.
This time, Corrigan will use Maeve's own passion against her. Will Maeve blindly fall for Corrigan's trap, or will she prevail and protect the Mortal Champion from Corrigan's dominating touch?

You will not be disappointed with this book, nor the previous two if you haven't made it this far. This is a highly recommended paranormal romance book that does not fail to deliver the beloved erotica that we have come to expect from Mr. James.

Purchase The Fires of Passion at Amazon

Visit Reed James blog for other erotica reviews

Or follow him on Twitter and show the author some love!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Help spread the word!

I will forewarn everyone that this has absolutely nothing to do with erotica or reviews, however this is a big reason that I am having to take a short break from reviewing everything on my list.

Up until a week ago, I worked at an art studio as an art instructor, called Art by the Glass Studio.  Unfortunately the place went under, however I was given an opportunity to keep the business alive under new ownership.

This is something I am very passionate about, and a career that has let me pursue my dream in the arts, while also allowing me to continue to publish and review erotica on the side.

Unfortunately, I do not have this kind of money lying around that would allow me to purchase the business outright, but the current owner is an awesome woman who is giving me the opportunity to explore other means to do this.  Thus, I have started an indiegogo campaign to try and raise money.

It is completely understandable if you do not have the means to donate, however even spreading this campaign around to try and get the word out would be incredibly helpful.  The sooner I can get this going, the faster I can get back to a life filled with wonderful reads!

With all that said, here is a link to see the campaign.  I would greatly appreciate anyone who can get the word out, and share this link around to try and make this dream a reality.

Feel free to email me with any questions at all, or let me know what you think.  By next week you should also see new posts for new steamy reads!